Do your closets get out of control? Full of "stuff" you claim you've never seen before in your life, even if you live alone? Full of things you never use, can never find if you need to, and clothes that get wrinkled, trampled, and otherwise messed up. Does your closet resemble a cartoon closet where there is a virtual landslide when the door opens up? Well, that used to describe me until I took simple and effective action. I'll admit I have a couple more closets to go, but my bedroom closets and all other main closets in my house are in great shape! This simple cleaning and organization even makes my mornings easier and less hectic, and with three little kids to get off in the morning it makes a massive difference.
First, pick a closet to tackle. You might chose the messiest, the most annoying, or maybe the easiest to start on. What matters is that you take action; that you start.
Kids Storage Cubby
Completely empty the closet out and clean it. In my case I vacuum and dust, but I've seen closets so dirty that soap and water were needed. Do what you need to do! Next we tackle the "stuff" you took out.
Place the former closet contents into three piles. There are other systems but the three pile system is simple and fast. First is the pile of things you want to keep that belong in this closet. They made need some washing, cleaning, or even ironing in the case of clothes before they go back in. The second pile consists of things you want to keep, but that do not belong in this closet. Pile three, no surprise, is things to get rid off. Be ruthless! I don't care how much you love that shirt or dress, if you haven't fit into it in a decade it's time for it to go! And that thing you haven't used in years probably should go as well. Get rid of this pile quickly before you can change your mind! If you live with a packrat like I do move extra fast!
Now before you replace the items that belong in the closet back in, consider space utilization and storage needs. You may want to put up some racks, cubbies, hanging organizers, and organizer systems to maximize your space and convenience. They are cheap and it's easy to do.
Now rinse and repeat! Next closet please.